MEA Aeroskills Individual Units of Competency

The MEA Aeroskills Training Package is a nationally recognized framework in Australia that outlines the competencies required for various roles within the aviation maintenance sector. It encompasses qualifications ranging from Certificate II to Advanced Diploma levels, covering areas such as aircraft maintenance, avionics, structures, and non-destructive testing. This package ensures that training aligns with industry standards and regulatory requirements, facilitating the development of skilled professionals in the aerospace industry.

Open To:

Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (entry-level)

  • Initial RPL report – $695 (Incl. GST) 
  • Final RPL report – $695 (GST exempt) 

Duration of gap training will be determined based on evidence provided

This RPL Assessment is for candidates who want to be assessed for specific units of competency from within the MEA Aeroskills Training Package. Candidates can request assessment of a maximum of 4 units of competency.

Your Initial RPL report will confirm the requirements you must complete in order to be issued with.

  • Resume 
  • Aircraft Maintenance Engineer’s licenses (local and/or foreign) 
  • Company authorisations/approvals 
  • Letters of endorsement of privileges exercised (QA) 
  • Australian (VET) Qualifications and Statements of Attainment 
  • Part 66 theory results (EASA, CASA, GCAA) from Approved Part 147 organisations
  • CASA Basic (CAR31) exam results 
  • Licensing exam results  
  • Workplace service letters 
  • Trade certificates and qualifications
  • Training certificates (type training, skills training) 
  • Qualification certificates (Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees, etc.) 
  • Company training records 

Please do not upload any practical logbooks (SOE/JOE) as part of your Initial RPL application.

NOTE – Upload restrictions: Individual file maximum size is 5120kB and 10MB total per online application.

MEA Aeroskills Individual Units of Competency - Initial RPL Report